Jessabel teng


Show Reel

Demo Reels | Animations | Animatic

storyboards | concepts | comics


Jessabel Teng

Hi! I'm Jess. I am an artist with a passion for creativity and I'm always seeking opportunities to discover and further improve myself in the world of art. With my years of experience in the field, I have honed my skills across various art forms, from traditional drawings to digital illustration and 3D models.

Demo Reels | Animations | Animatic

Evolved Group
Designing for inclusivity
Lead graphic designer | Graphic Motioner

Evolved Group
Google for India 2023 - (Google pay)
Graphic designer and motioner

Nanyang technological University
Final year project : The cartographer (unreal engine 4 game)
ue4 programmer | modeler & texturer


Digital Illustrations

Traditional Illustrations

storyboards | concepts | comics


Jessabel Teng

Hi! I'm Jess. I am an artist with a passion for creativity and I'm always seeking opportunities to discover and further improve myself in the world of art. With my years of experience in the field, I have honed my skills across various art forms, from traditional drawings to digital illustration and 3D models.

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